Frequently Asked Questions

Why don’t my Username and Password from the wantjobgotjob site work on this site?

You must create a new account on the new site as the information was not transferred over.


Where else can I find assistance or information about employment in Wainwright?

Community and Social Services is located in the provincial building and can be reached at (780)842-7500.  They offer a job board, job search tools, employment publications, resume writing, career counselling, disability related career support and short term job specific training.

The Town of Wainwright’s Employment Resources page

To see employment profiles of many local employers, visit


I am an employer.  How do I post an available job? 

Register as an Employer, ensuring to agree to the Terms and Conditions of Use.  After logging in, click “Post a Job” and enter the information.  When you have entered all of the relevant information for the job you are posting, you can preview it to see how it will look.  Once you have submitted the jobs, you can view the details of that position on your “My Account” page, where you can edit or delete if you choose.

NOTE: it is a good idea to put a logo or other image in the Logo upload area on the Post a Job form, as this Image is a link to your Company Profile Page.  Your Company Profile Page allows users to view all of your job listings as well as read any Company Description information you have added.


I am an employee.  How do I apply for a position?

Register as an Candidate, ensuring to agree to the Terms and Conditions of Use.   After logging in, create a profile with your resume and hiring information.  Select the job that you wish to apply for and select “Apply for Job”.  Follow the prompts to send your online application and resume to the employer.


Can I have more than 1 resume? 

Yes.  Click “Add Resume” while in your profile.


Is this page available in other languages?

Yes.  Select your preferred language from the menu at the top left of the homepage.


I forgot my password.  What is the best way to get access to my account?

You should go to the Home page, click the Register/Login Button, scroll to the bottom and click Login.  Once the Login page comes up, click the link at the bottom for “Forgot Password”.  A box will come up for you to put your email into and you will receive an email with a link to change the password.

Note: if you remember your password and just want to change it to something different, you will go to the Employers or Candidates page (whichever you registered as) and you will click “View My Account”.  On this page there is a link to change your password.


I need to edit a Job I posted but when I click on the Job title, it doesn’t let me edit it.

You must be logged in and in the Employers tab (the Employer Dashboard page).  You must click the “Edit” link for whichever job you are updating, which is right under the Job title in order to edit a Job Posting.


I need to edit an Online Resume but when I click on the Resume Name, it doesn’t let me edit it.

You must be logged in and in the Candidates tab (the Candidate Dashboard page).  You must click the “Edit” link for whichever resume you are updating, which is right under the Resume title in order to edit a resume.


I want and account as an Employer as well as an account as a Candidate.  How do I do this?

In order to have two accounts, you must register twice (as an Employer and then as a Candidate) and you must use different emails to register for each.